The Vbox series of data collects are based on the fact that data collection rates are determined by the frequency range which will be measured by an accelerometer mounted with a magnet. The usable frequency range transmitted through a magnet is around 8000 Hz. Therefore, the data collection rates are established based on the filtering effect of the magnet.
The next strategy used is that the full-time waveform of is collected and stored usually with a duration of 5 to 10 seconds. With this dataset in hand, the need to acquire additional data to complete the analysis and reporting almost goes completely away.
The final step is to post process from this time waveform, the spectrum, trend values, high-resolution spectrum up to 85,000 lines, averaged spectrum – lower resolution, apply filters of choice, low pass, high pass or band pass, select display range both amplitude and frequency to see specific content, use demodulation, order analysis, English or Metric units, “play” the waveform as audio and “listen” to the vibration, add fault frequencies from the bearings and gear sets.
Easily generate the report, include any displayed graph, spell check the analysis, print it, save it as a pdf, spend your time doing analysis not creating the report.